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Creative thinking helps you look at problems and situations from a fresh perspective. Creating thinking is a way to develop novel or unorthodox solutions that do not depend wholly on past or current solutions. It’s a way of employing strategies to clear your mind so that your thoughts and ideas can transcend what appear to be the limitations of a problem. Creative thinking is a way of moving beyond barriers.

Assignment #1


For the first assignment of CTS, we were all given a theme; Sci-fi, and we had to make a cube. An interactive cube. We all pick a sci-fi movie of our choice and my group had to pick Fantastic Four.. which doesn't make sense. 


For a few weeks we planned everything, how we were going to make, what materials we should use and how we can make it interactive. My group decided to make a game called pachinko(?). A Japanese game. 


We had Fantastic Four decorations around the box to match the theme that we called it the Fantastic Box.

It was pretty time consuming to make this actually setting up the format and getting the materials. It takes teamwork to do everything especially planning on the cube's design.

Unfortunately, for Assignment #2, the book suddenly gone missing (I swear I put it somewhere in my drawers) but if any luck, I will post it here as soon as possible hopefully. But I will proceed with Assignment #3.

Assignment #3


For this assignment, every student must create a video of inanimate objects talking or precisely, monologue. It took time for me to produce it because the idea wasn't there at first. But then I did something typical; a friendship story between the Boy Apple and the Girl Apple. For this video, I used Stop Motion Studio. It was really hard as I needed to take a lot of pictures *sigh*


But it was the first step to video-making, honestly. I'm still waiting to learn more about video editing.


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